Epoxy-based poured flooring are wear-resistant and hygienic.

They have proved to be excellent floors for the food industry.
The material is inert when water, blood, detergents, oils, alcohol hit on the floor. The surface is not afraid of loads that working equipment, storage systems, forklifts exert on the floor.
Epoxy resin-based coatings are suitable for meat processing plants, canning plants, cheese-processing and fat-and-oil plants, fruit and vegetable bases, confectionery factories, flour-and-cereals shops, food storage warehouses.
Since the base materials are epoxy resins, coatings have an extremely low degree of spark formation. Therefore, they can be laid in working areas of wineries, breweries, and liquor production facilities.
Even if high vapor concentrations occur during production, there is no risk of fire.
What should be considered when ordering a floor for food industry enterprise?
Coatings at food factories are subject to a number of requirements:
- Vibration tolerance. Sorters, separators, and centrifuges are widely used at food industry enterprises. They all create significant vibration. And it is essential that the exposed coating doesn't quickly begin to deform and warp.
- Easy cleaning and disinfection. It is important to be able to use pressurized steam cleaning, wet and dry cleaning. At the same time, the floor's self-cleaning ability is valuable. For example, in slaughtering shops, there should be no ground-in stains of animal fat and blood on the floor, or stains of berries and fruits in juice factories.
- Resistance to point mechanical loads. Including from falling parts of animal carcasses, metal tools.
- Resistance to dynamic loads, which cannot be avoided when moving containers.
- Non-toxicity. The tiniest particles of material should not create a danger for sewage.
- Non-slipping capability. Statistics show that slippery floors account for 20% of injuries at food industry enterprises.
- Excellent waterproofing level. In the past, traditional concrete and cement floors were laid in food processing and production facilities. They could not provide impermeability.
Polymer-cement based coatings are better in practice. The most reliable are multilayer poured epoxy floors. Concrete is also essential for their production. But this material is used only as a base. There are several layers above it: priming, underlayment, and finishing. And they all contain epoxy resins.
Would you like to order floors for the food industry that fully meet such strict criteria? Choose HAUPTMANN coatings. Coatings of different thickness are in stock.
You can order the material in any required volume, picking up the desired color from our range.

How to choose a floor for food industry factories and plants.
The most inexpensive floor for the food industry is 0.4-0.8 mm thin-layer coating. But these floors have a rather narrow scope of application. They are suitable only for rooms with average traffic and moderate loads.
When choosing a coating thickness (2mm, 3mm, 4mm), consider the following factors:
- 1. How actively compact equipment will move through this area.
- 2. What kind of equipment is used at the enterprise, whether it creates vibration, steam.
- 3. What disinfectants are used.
- 4. What corrosive substances are used in production (acids, alkalis).
The more corrosive the environment is, the more actively the premises are used, the higher are the thickness requirements.
.5 - 3.5 mm coatings are more common at food industry enterprises. So that the coating does not disappoint with quality and lasts a long time, the installation process should be taken extremely thoroughly. To prepare the base, experts use diamond grinding or shot blasting method. Any chips are carefully sealed before laying the surface.
The most extreme environment, and, accordingly, high requirements to floorings are in the shops.
It can be a meat processing shop, companies producing mayonnaise, beer, quass, lemonade.
Meat processing plants require special consideration of impact loads. For mayonnaise plants, chemical stability of the material is particularly important. Beverage companies need a flooring with high requirements for compressive and flexural strength, temperature and pressure drop.
Purchasing HAUPTMANN products is an opportunity to install a floor that fully complies with sanitary standards and ensures a long service life of the coating. Spoiled for choice. There is something to use for food industry complexes.