1000+ Over 1000
completed projects
15+ 15 years
in the market.

Microcement for stairs is high strength material, which gives a modern and elegant appearance, and the absence of joints and seams gives a sense of space and monolithic character.

This decorative material can be applied to absolutely any surface, used in various interiors from laconic minimalism to luxurious classics.

You should not be afraid to apply microconcrete on the stairs, as it has the following properties:

  • workability;
  • water resistance;
  • impermeability;
  • wear resistance.

Microconcrete application technology for stairs

Prepare the surface before applying microcement. The base should be dry, clean, without small debris or cracks. Before applying a primer coat, the base is sanded and dusted. Quartz sand is poured on the fresh primer and left to dry for 24 hours. The first layer of microcement is applied with even strokes. In 12 hours the second layer is applied and left for 8 hours until completely dry, then the impregnation is applied evenly over the entire surface. Sandpaper may be used for a smooth texture. After 12 hours, the finishing polyurethane varnish is applied as a protective layer.


The visit for measuring and inspection of the premises is free of charge.

For more information, please contact the Hauptmann managers.

The price of microcement for stairs is determined by the following factors and may vary from:

  • condition of your base;
  • color scheme selected for you individually or selected from a catalog;
  • work is performed by our specialists or you buy only raw materials from us.

Our team of craftsmen will help you to create a unique staircase.

With microcement you can create different textures from perfectly smooth to rough surfaces.

You can order the material in any required volume, picking up the desired color from our range.

You can apply the material on the stairs with different stencils, creating at the same time non-standard designs.

We offer you 6 standard colors, as well as unlimited opportunities in creating an individual color for your interior.

Various texture options will allow you to get a unique design coating in your home. Staircase finished with Hauptmann microconcrete will become an original element of your interior.


You can order microcement for staircases through the application form on our website or by calling.